Bernard Colas, International Trade Lawyer, Gottlieb & Pearson, Attorneys, Montreal.
This article describes
Canada's legal and administrative framework which regulates
the importation of goods into Canada. Over the last few years,
Canada further liberalized its economy and adapted its administrative
framework to allow more flexible and efficient response to
importer's needs.
Information below is current as of the date of its writing only and does not represent the legislative and jurisprudential changes in force since its writing.
Legal Framework
Administrative Framework
Import Procedures
- Customs
- Duty
Relief Programs
- Releasing
of Imported Goods
Legal Framework
Canadian law governing the
importation of goods reflects Canada's commitment to the liberal
world and regional trading order as embodied in the World
Trade Organization (WTO), the North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA) and other trade agreements :
- The WTO Agreements, which
came into effect in 1995, have a far reaching impact as
they not only have the effect of reducing customs duties
and non-tariff barriers to trade but they also regulate
a range of other areas including customs valuation, customs
administration, technical standards, subsidies, dumping,
trade-related investments, intellectual property and government
procurement. Imports from all 146 countries enjoy most-favored
nation treatment with tarifs averaging from 4 to 5 percent
on industrial goods. A very large number of items bear no
duty at all. The WTO also guarantees non-discriminatory
and fair treatment of imports.
- At the risk of oversimplifying
this agreement, the prime focus of NAFTA, which came into
effect in 1994, was to allow countries which are party to
the Agreement (i.e. Canada, United States and Mexico) to
have gradual duty free access to other countries' markets
in most sectors of the economy. As of January 1, 1988, goods
originating from the United States are imported into Canada
duty free. Mexican goods will benefit from such preferential
treatment in 2009.
- In 1996, Canada entered
into free trade agreements with Israel and Chile, and in
2001 with Costa Rica. Their objectives are to eliminate
barriers to trade in goods and to promote conditions of
fair competition between the parties. Canada is currently
pushing for further trade liberalization. It is currently
negotiating free trade agreements with the countries of
the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) (i.e. Norway,
Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein) as well as with
33 American countries within the Free Trade Area of the
Americas (FTAA).
these agreements affect Canada's customs rules which are contained
in relatively few statutes, notably the Customs Act, the Customs
Tariff, the Special Import Measures Act, the Export and Import
Permit Act :
- The Customs Act, administered
by the recently created Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
(CCRA), is the most important statute regulating the importation
of goods into Canada. It regulates, amongst other things
(i) the administration of the customs law, (ii) the payment
and collection of duties, (iii) the obligation of importers
to report imported goods (iv) the consequences of failing
to comply with this obligation and (v) the powers of the
CCRA, including the power to conduct search and seizures.
- The Customs Tariff contains
a schedule setting out rates of custom duties attaching
to all goods and the general rules for determining the classification
of imported goods, the tariff treatment of goods, and rules
respecting proof of origin of goods. The Customs Tariff
is also administered by the CCRA but is drafted and amended
by the Department of Finance in accordance with Canada's
international obligations.
- The Special Import Measures
Act is the statute which implements Canada's obligations
under the WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement and the Agreement on
Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. It sets out the procedure
for determining the existence of dumping or subsidization,
for determining whether dumped or subsidized goods are causing
material injury to domestic production and for collecting
dumping and countervailing duties. It also sets out an obligation
to conduct sunset reviews of injury findings. Authority
to act under the Special Import Measures Act is split between
the CCRA, which determines whether there is dumping and
subsidization and collects duties, and the Canadian International
Trade Tribunal which conducts material injury inquiries.
- The importation of certain
goods is controlled by means of the Import Control List
established under the Export and Import Permits Act. This
Act is administered by the Department of Foreign Affairs
and International Trade (DFAIT) and goods listed on the
Import Control List cannot be imported without an import
permit issued by DFAIT.
trade agreements also affect other legislation which regulate
to some extent goods which are imported into Canada. Statutes
such as the Canada Agricultural Products Act, the Textile Labeling
Act, Consumer and Packaging Labeling Act, the Food and Drugs
Act primarily regulate internal trade but also contain obligations
respecting imported goods.
Administrative Framework
The following government departments
and agencies are responsible for the administration of Canada's
customs and trade laws :
- The Canada Customs and Revenue
Agency (CCRA), which began operations on November 1, 1999,
assumes the full mandate of the former Revenue Canada. It
has the primary responsibility for administering Canada's
customs laws. That responsibility involves securing Canadian
borders, which includes (i) processing commercial goods
and travelers, (ii) preventing the entry of prohibited materials
and inadmissible persons, (iii) inspecting, for federal
and provincial agencies, goods and conveyances entering
Canada and (iv) verifying compliance with international
agreements. The CCRA's organization and management is overseen
by a Board of Management composed of members appointed by
the provinces and territories as well as the federal government.
Despite this managerial autonomy, the Minister of National
Revenue remains accountable for the activities of the Agency.
- While the CCRA enforces
the Customs Tariff, it is the Department of Finance which
sets the policy in accordance with Canada's international
obligations and its domestic interests. The Department of
Finance is also able to grant tariff relief and to consider
requests for statutory amendments to the Customs Tariff.
- Besides negotiating and
implementing the various trade agreements to which Canada
is a signatory, the Department of Foreign Affairs and International
Trade (DFAIT) administers the Import Control List under
the Export and Import Permits Act. No goods listed on the
Import Control List can be imported into Canada without
an import permit issued by DFAIT officials. Virtually all
textile and apparel products are subject to import control,
along with numerous agricultural products (dairy products,
chicken, beef and veal, turkey, grain and grain products,
endangered species, weapons and armaments and steel products).
Some products are controlled for statistical purposes in
which case the issuance of an import permit is automatic.
Others are subject to quota restraint and the issuance of
an import permit is subject to a determination that the
person requesting the import permit is entitled to access
under the quota levels. Because DFAIT does not have any
border personnel to enforce its regulations, enforcement
is handled by officials of the CCRA, under instructions
from the DFAIT.
- Finally, the Canadian International
Trade Tribunal (CITT) is an independent quasi-judicial tribunal
which (i) conducts inquiries into the material injury portion
of anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations;
(ii) hears appeals from decisions of the CCRA made under
the Customs Act, the Excise Tax Act and the Special Import
Measures Act; (iii) conducts inquiries and provides advice
to the Cabinet or the Minister of Finance on trade and tariff
issues as are referred to the CITT from time to time; (iv)
conducts inquiries into procurement complaints arising out
of the NAFTA, the Agreement on Internal Trade or the WTO
Agreement on Government Procurement; (v) conducts safeguard
inquiries into complaints by domestic producers that increased
imports are causing, or threatening to cause, serious injury
to domestic producers; and (vi) conducts investigations
into requests from Canadian producers for tariff relief
on imported textile inputs that are used in their production
operations. Some decisions of the CITT are subject to statutory
appeals, for example, decisions under the Customs Act are
subject to appeal on a question of law to the Federal Court
of Appeal. Decisions in anti-dumping or countervailing duty
inquiries are subject to judicial review before the Federal
Court of Appeal or bi-national panel review under Chapter
19 of NAFTA. Where the CITT issues an advice to Cabinet
or the Minister of Finance, there is no appeal and such
decisions are subject to judicial review.
the administration of Canada's customs and trade laws is not
uniform. Various government departments and agencies are involved
to differing degrees in the import process which is described
Import Procedures
All commercial goods imported
into Canada are subject to customs duty and to the 7% Goods
and Services Tax (GST)(1)
, unless they are exempt or free of duties. They are also
subject to other import regulations respecting the importation
of certain classes of goods such as food, drugs and agricultural
products, the protection of Canadian industry from injurious
imports and the implementation of government policies on international
Customs Duty
To calculate the duty payable
on imported goods into Canada, importers must :
- Classify the imported goods
in accordance with the Customs Tariff, which is based on
the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (the
" Harmonized System ") of the World Customs Organization
(WCO). As a result of Canada's membership in the WCO, and
its adoption in its own Customs Tariff of the Harmonized
System, the work of the WCO, including its technical opinions,
classification opinions and explanatory notes to the Harmonized
System are all important in determining the state of Canadian
law in the tariff area.
- Determine the country of
origin of such goods in order to identify the trade agreement
they fall under and the tariff treatment they will receive.
Tariffs have been eliminated on imported goods originating
from the United States and will be removed for goods from
Mexico at the end of the NAFTA phasing-out period in 2009.
Certain goods originating in Israel and Chile which qualify
for preferential treatment under free-trade agreements with
these countries enter Canada duty-free. Lower rates of duty
are levied on many imports from developing countries (under
the Generalized System of Preferences) and certain Commonwealth
countries. Imports from most countries receive a most-favoured-nation
(MFN) tariff. The MFN tariff is granted to goods that originate
in a WTO member country, such as many Asian countries, and
in countries to which Canada has agreed to extend MFN benefits.
- Determine and declare its
value for duty. The primary method for valuing imported
goods is the transaction value, which is basically the price
paid or payable for the imported goods with certain statutory
adjustments. Failure to properly declare all elements of
the price paid or payable (e.g. royalties and license fees)
may expose the importer to retroactive assessments and penalties.
Duty Relief Programs
Importers may apply for drawback,
refund and remission programs in order to reduce, eliminate
or defer custom duties on qualifying goods in the following
circumstances :
- Duty drawback scheme allows
eligible claimants to receive a full or partial drawback
of duties paid on items which, in some cases, are imported
to be used in the manufacture of goods in Canada that are
subsequently exported. NAFTA limits the availability of
drawbacks for exports to the United States. Drawbacks are
also available for certain goods used for specified purposes
and that are consumed in Canada.
- Duty deferral, reduction
or relief may be available in a variety of circumstances,
in particular, where goods are imported and subsequently
re-exported or are used to process goods that are subsequently
exported and for machinery that is not available in Canada.
It is, for instance, possible under the customs bonded warehouse
program, to defer the payment of duties and taxes up to
the point the goods enter the Canadian market. If the goods
are exported the duties are not payable. While in warehouse,
the goods may also undergo certain minor manipulations,
such as marking, testing, packaging, displaying and diluting.
Releasing the Imported Goods
Before the goods are released
to the importer, CCRA officers require that certain documents
be presented in paper form or, with its authorization, in
electronic form. Such documents generally include :
- Two copies of the commercial
sales receipt or invoice that describes the equipment and
quantities in detail and indicates the buyer, seller, country
of origin and price paid or payable. If it does not contain
all the above-mentioned information, a Canada Customs Invoice
(CCI) may be added to provide the remaining information.
- Two copies of the cargo
control documents : Transport documents which report the
arrival of the shipment at the international border entry
point (this document may be given by the carrier to the
customs officer).
- Two copies of a completed
Form B3 - Canada Customs Coding Form which includes the
importer's name and its Business Number import/export account,
a description of the goods, the direct shipment date, the
tariff treatment, the country of origin, the tariff classification,
the value for duties, the appropriate duty or tax rates,
and, if applicable, the calculation of duties owing.
- An import permit, health
certificate or other form that may be required by federal
government departments. For instance, the DFAIT requires
import permits for goods such as textiles and clothing,
agricultural and steel products, arms and ammunition, endangered
species and some food items such as dairy products, poultry,
and eggs. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency examines and
gives permits for some meat products, and all restricted
or controlled drugs require an import permit from Health
- A certificate of origin
to support the claimed lower customs tariff treatment for
goods that originate from NAFTA countries (United States
and Mexico), Israel, Chile and from developing countries
(Generalized System of Preferences). This document does
not have to be presented with the other documents but must
be kept by the importer for a six-year period in case requested
by CCRA.
addition to customs and trade laws, goods are also subject to
a wide range of regulatory statutes. Goods may not be released
to the importer or sold in Canada if they are not properly labeled,
marked or packaged or do not meet Canadian standards. For instance,
most pre-packaged consumer products sold in Canada must bear
a label containing information such as the net quantity, the
identity and principal place of business of the manufacturer,
the description of the product in terms of its generic name
or its functions and information respecting the nature, quality,
size, material content, composition and geographic origin. Further
requirements also cover bilingual labeling.
: Depending on the goods or their value, some other charges
or taxes may apply, including excise duty and excise tax on
luxury items like jewelry or alcohol.
POSTED : December 17, 2003
: This article has been prepared for the intended reference
by interested individuals and is not intended to create an
attorney - client communication. This information is available
through The Quebec Network without any guarantee relative
to its content or its accuracy and thus it should not be interpreted
as constituting legal advice. If you need legal advice of
any kind, you should consult an attorney.
Copyright, Bernard Colas, 2000-2003, All rights reserved.