Quebec Last Will and Testament form: Order here

Complete Will Kit

from the Quebec Law Network

For province of Quebec only

FROM ONLY 49,95$

The Will Kit includes:

Will &
Mandate in case
of incapacity

Comments from our clients

Your Kit was very helpful - Thank you! I will definitely recommend it...
- K.P., Pierrefonds
The Will Kit was easy to use. Since I am single with no children, I used a very small section of the will. More deleting than typing. My attorney advised me to use your Will Kit.
- M.D., Quebec
My friend told me about this product (she just ordered it yesterday). I am very impressed with your professionalism. I found the kit quite easy to handle; instructions are clear and simple.
- E.F., Montreal

Order here


ligne horizontale

Complete your will and other essential documents with these models adapted to Quebec law, in 4 easy steps:

Get your documents by e-mail within a few minutes after your purchase.

Complete the templates in a word processor (such as Word for PC or Mac).

Save, print 2 copies and sign in front of 2 witnesses.

Keep your documents in a safe place and give a copy to a trusting person.

Order your Will Kit here

Frequently asked questions

    Q- Is this Will Kit legal?
    A- Yes. The Will and the Mandate in case of incapacity signed before witnesses are recognized by the Civil Code of Quebec.

    Q- Is my Will going to be registered?
    A- No, it doesn't have to be. Keep an original signed copy and tell a trusted person where it can be found (or give that trusted person a copy).

    Q- What will happen when I die and my Will is not registered?
    A- To have legal effect, the Will must receive probate after the testator's death. It is a verification that can be done by a notary or a lawyer to make sure the Will conforms to the requirements of the Civil Code of Quebec.

    Q- Can I modify my Will and/or Mandate if important changes occur in my life?
    A- Yes you can. Simply reopen your document and modify it. Just remember that for the Will to have legal effect, it will need to be once again signed before two witnesses.

    Q- Who can and cannot use the Will kit ?
    A- ● You must be 18 years old or older.
      ● You must be of sound mind and NOT deaf and mute, deaf, mute, blind, unable to read (illiterate) or unable to sign. In all of these cases, the Civil Code of Québec provides particular forms that must be respected. Consult a notary or a lawyer.
      ● If you own considerable assets such as a business, many properties, large sums of money invested in the stock market, important investments or assets or if you wish to execute a will with a trust, it is preferable that you consult a notary or a lawyer and have him or her verify your Will.
      ● If you own assets that risk inciting quarrels in your family at your death or if members of your family are in conflict, it is preferable to consult a notary or lawyer and have him or her verify your Will.
      ● If you are a member of a “reconstituted family” and your situation is complicated, have a notary or a lawyer verify your Will. Make sure that you do not inadvertently disregard the interests of your children (see explanations below).

Your Will & Testament or the Will Kit will follow by e-mail a few minutes after the secured payment

Aussi disponible en français

Canada Wills (all provinces except Quebec) also available in English & French

These detailed forms enable you to draft a thorough and high quality Will (and other documents) that are written specifically for Quebec civil law

Order by Internet (secure order form)
Order by telephone
Pay by cheque or money order

Order here

Table of contents of the Will:

This complete Will form provides the legal tools necessary to meet the testamentary needs of most individuals:

  • Donation (disposition at death, devise) of all your assets to one or several individuals (this is called a universal disposition). Includes alternative heirs clause (predecease, simultaneous death or within 30 days), or
  • Donation of particular goods to specific individuals:
    - Sums of money to various individuals
    - Bank accounts
    - Primary residence
    - Secondary residence (cottage)
    - Rental property
    - Shares in companies
    - RRSP, RRIF and other pension funds
    - Various other assets, accompanied by
  • Donation of your residual assets after disposing particular assets to specific individuals. Includes alternative heirs clause (predecease, simultaneous death or within 30 days).
  • Choose a liquidator (executor or trustee) to carry out your instructions and liquidate your estate and a substitute liquidator if your first choice cannot complete the task;
  • Detailed duties and powers of your liquidator;
  • Choose whether to remunerate your liquidator;
  • Specify the ages at which underage beneficiaries receive title to your assets (interest and capital);
  • Choose a legal guardian (tutor) and substitute for your underage children in the event that both parents die;
  • Clause preventing debtors from seizing assets granted to your heirs under your Will;
  • Clause granting heirs exclusive title to your assets, thereby preventing the division of these assets in the event of divorce;
  • Clause reducing the legal and conventional benefits of marriage (family patrimony, matrimonial regime, marriage contract) not necessarily desired by the testator. This clause is optional but can be useful in certain circumstances.
  • Clause revoking prior testaments or codicils;
  • Clauses for funeral and burial arrangements;
  • Affidavit that can be filled in by witnesses to your Will (filling in is optional);
  • Instructions and recommendations to the testator.

Excerpts from one of the Will forms

Table comparing different will options in Quebec (French only)

This is NOT the "Canadian Legal Will Kit", much criticised by the "Chambre des notaires" and consumer protection groups. Our Will is a thorough and detailed Will, the work of Quebec lawyers, notaries and tax attorneys.

Four easy steps to making your valid Will in Quebec:

  1. After placing your order, the appropriate file will be sent to you by e-mail immediately. The file can be opened by any word processor (Word, WordPerfect, etc. on PC or Mac).
  2. Fill in the Will form (name, address, birth date, the dispositions you wish to make, the name of your liquidator, other clauses, etc ).
  3. Save the file, print two paper copies and sign them before two witnesses. We explain WHO can be a witness.
  4. Retain a copy of the Will for yourself and give another original copy to a trusted person. There is no need to register your Will.


1. I want a Will Kit for:

1 person    1 couple

2. Select your Kit

Will & Testament
Mandate in case of incapacity  
Funeral arrangements  
An economy of 35,50$
(87,95$ if purchased separately)
Add the Memorandum for only 10,00$

Taxes extra
If you chose a Will for a couple, the Mandate (and/or other documents) will also be sent for a couple.

In order to receive the Will tailored to your needs, please answer the following questions:

First will

(1) Gender of the person making the Will:


(2) Type of Will (3 choices):

I wish to leave all my assets to one or several individuals without specifying what will go to whom (Option 1).

For example :
I devise all my assets to my spouse. OR
I devise all my assets to John (my brother), Paul (my brother) and Mary (my sister). (Equal shares or on a percentage basis)

This is a "universal legacy".

Includes alternative heirs clause (predecease, simultaneous death or within 30 days).

I would rather leave particular assets to specific individuals (Option 2).

For example:
I devise the antique furniture given to me by Grandma to my brother John Woods.
I devise my home and all the furniture to my common-law partner.
I devise all my other assets to my children.

These are "particular legacies" (the assets are described) followed by a "residual legacy" (all the assets not specifically named go to the residual legatees)

Includes alternative heirs clause (predecease, simultaneous death or within 30 days).

I do not know yet (Option 3). Your document will contain both options above at no additional cost. You will then be able to choose the option which best fits your needs.

I hereby confirm that I am 18 years old none of the following apply to me: deaf and mute, deaf, mute, blind, illiterate (unable to read), unable to sign.

Second will (Optional)

Language of the second will: English French
(1) Gender for second Will:


(2) Type of Will:

I wish to leave all my assets to one or several individuals without specifying what will go to whom (Option 1).

I would rather leave particular assets to specific individuals (Option 2).

I do not know yet (Option 3). Your document will contain both options above at no additional cost. You will then be able to choose the option which best fits your needs.

I hereby confirm that I am 18 years old none of the following apply to me: deaf and mute, deaf, mute, blind, illiterate (unable to read), unable to sign.

Your transaction is secure.
To view the certificate, click on the padlock in the address bar.

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Secure payment from our partner.
When submitting the form you will be transferred to the Moneris payment gateway

If you do not receive the Will form, please contact us by e-mail or telephone

Order by telephone

Pay by credit card: 450 621-8283 or 1 877 683-1815 (toll free)

You will receive your Will form by e-mail

Open during business hours or leave a telephone number where you can be reached on our voice mail

Payments by cheque

You can pay by cheque. To do so, you must include:

  • Your first name and family name
  • Complete address
  • Your e-mail address to receive the documents
  • The type of Will form that best fits your needs:
    • Male of female
    • Option preferred : 1, 2 or 3
  • For the Will & Mandate Kit, see prices above.
Complete Will kits


Single $ *
Couple $ *
* Taxes included

Send this information and payment (cheque or money order) to:

Jurismedia, Inc.
75, des Chateaux Boulevard, Suite 102
Blainville, Quebec, Canada
J7B 2A4

By mailing your order, you agree to respect the terms and conditions of the Purchase contract with Jurismedia, Inc.

Complementary information about wills in Quebec (what is a will, the requisite forms, the advantages and disadvantages inherent in several options...) (French)

Why draft a will? Ten good reasons and "disaster cases" (French)

Table comparing different testamentary options available in Quebec (French)

This Will form was produced by Jurismedia inc. and Marc Gelinas, solicitor of Montreal, in collaboration with several other lawyers and notaries specialized in this field.

To give a will legal effect, a notary or tribunal must grant "probate" at the time of the testator's death.


If you have questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact:

Jurismedia inc.
75, des Chateaux Boulevard, Suite 102
Blainville, Quebec, Canada
J7B 2A4

Telephone: 450 621-8283
Toll free: 1 877 683-1815 (outside Montreal only)
Fax : 450 621-4452

E-mail : [email protected]

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Return to the French Home page

The Memorandum is the document in which you specify all your important information to simplify tasks related to the management of your assets (if you become incapacitated) or your estate (in the case of death). This confidential document must be kept safe, updated occasionally and available to your mandatory (in case of incapacity) or your executor (in case of death).

Content of the Memorandum

15-page document