The Quebec Law Network - Press release for Canadian will and testament


A smart choice for Quebecers: A high quality English-language Last Will and Testament available on the Internet

MONTREAL, Feb. 5 - The Quebec Law Network (, Quebec's law portal, is proud to launch its English-language Last Will and Testament. The Will is the work of Quebec notaries, lawyers and tax consultants.

"Until now, non-francophone Quebecers have always had to turn to a notary or lawyer to obtain a high quality Last Will and Testament. To date, paper forms have been incomplete and often unsuited to Quebec law," states Marc Gélinas, attorney and founder of the Quebec Law Network.

The Will follows the Civil Code of Quebec offering a broad choice of clauses to provide individuals with the legal protection they require. For instance, clauses include the ages at which young people receive the interest and capital from the estate, the nomination of a tutor, family patrimony clauses, clauses to prevent the seizure of assets and many others. has offered a French-language version of the will since October 2000. It has been very well received from the general public and the legal profession. Clients include business people, administrative assistants, civil servants, retirees, teachers and professors, physicians, accountants, consultants, blue-collar workers, representatives, technicians and even attorneys. The Will is available for $34 for a single copy or $58 for couples.

The Quebec Law Network is hosted by Jurismedia Inc., a Montreal West-Island based company that offers "do-it-yourself" law products and services, including forms for businesses and the general public (mandate in case of incapacity, contracts, living will, etc…). Hundreds of easy-to-understand pages of legal information are accessible at no cost on the Network. It also features a "Dial-a-lawyer" service and provides access to over 1,300 practitioners in Quebec. Established in 1997, the Law Network receives 33,000 visits per month.

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For further information :

Marc Gelinas 450 621-8283
[email protected], "Centre des médias" section

A copy of the Will is available to journalists by sending an email to Me Gelinas.